Tuesday 24 February 2015

Grade 3 Multicultural Day

Today was a very exciting day for our class. It was Multicultural Day for the grade three students. Our class took part in a variety of sessions with all three of the grade 3 teachers. The lunch was a highlight for most of the kids. The food came from the four countries we have been studying: India, Ukraine, Peru and Tunisia. It was delicious!

Below are some pictures of the class at their first session with Mrs. Windsor creating Peruvian art.

Next our class visited Miss Hansen where they drew and coloured their very own mandalas from India.

We had a group of wonderful volunteer parents who cooked all of the food, set it up, served us and then cleaned up afterwards. We are very grateful from all of their hard work. All of the students tried something new; I was so impressed!

After lunch our class went over to Mrs. Vasseur's classroom where we learned to speak a bit of the Ukrainian language and learned a Ukrainian dance. The students did an awesome job!

Overall, it was a very successful day! Thanks to all of the parents for their support in making Multicultural Day so memorable.